The Lok Sabha election campaign is in full swing, with candidates leaving no stone unturned to woo their voters. In this pursuit, Dr. Arvind Sharma, the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) candidate from Rohtak Lok Sabha constituency, conducted a door-to-door campaign in Rohtak's Railway Road and Shouri Market areas.
During the campaign, Dr. Sharma spoke to journalists and launched a scathing attack on the Congress party and the Bhupendra Singh Hooda family. He alleged that the Congress has always indulged in the politics of loot, lies, and division. He questioned Bhupendra Singh Hooda, saying, "If their tenure was so good, then why did their party get only 15 seats in the 2014 Vidhan Sabha elections?"
Dr. Sharma further stated, "The people have understood their working style. During their tenure, they bought farmers' land for peanuts and sold it to builders at exorbitant prices." Praising the Modi government, he said, "On the other hand, people have understood Prime Minister Modi's pro-people policies, which will once again make the lotus bloom in Rohtak, so the result is clear."
Dr. Sharma claimed that in 2019, the BJP had received a lead of around 75,000 votes in Kosli, but this time, they are going to get a lead of more than one lakh votes. He said, "Because the patriotic people of Kosli are not with them but with Modi."
Strengthening his claims, Dr. Sharma said, "Prime Minister Modi has worked for the upliftment and development of all sections. On the other hand, the Congress has tried to get votes in Haryana by lying, misleading people, and creating an atmosphere of fear. But now, people are not going to fall for their tricks."
In this way, Dr. Arvind Sharma praised the achievements of the Modi government while accusing the Congress of indulging in loot, lies, and creating an atmosphere of fear. He claimed that the BJP will once again emerge victorious in Rohtak.