Palestine PM Praises India, appeals to India “As a global leader” to help end the Gaza conflict

Palestine PM Praises India, appeals to India “As a global leader” to help end the Gaza conflict

Palestine PM calls India Global leader


Prime Minister of Palestine and Foreign Minister Mohammad Mustafa wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 12th, congratulating him on winning a third term. Mustafa stated that India, a country that upholds human rights and peace, is playing a vital role in ending the “genocide”. "It is imperative for India to utilise all diplomatic channels to call for an immediate ceasefire, increase humanitarian aid to Gaza to help alleviate the suffering, collaborate with the international community to ensure the protection and safety of Palestinian civilians, and take a resolute stance against the atrocities being perpetrated," said Mustafa, as per the media reports.

Mustafa further continued and said that the situation in Gaza amount to a humanitarian catastrophe that demands immediate and decisive action. "I would like to affirm the importance of advancing our bilateral relations and mutual interests which are based on solid and long lasting foundation. I am confident that these unbreakable ties will continue to strengthen and develop in the years to come”.

Following the terror assault on October 7, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi immediately declared his "solidarity" with Israel. A week later, India clarified its position, endorsing a two-state solution and restating its long-standing support for the Palestinian cause. It had cast a vote in support of a resolution proposed by the UN General Assembly that sought to provide Palestine more authority inside the global organization.

Interestingly, India has always avoided criticizing Israel directly, arguing that terrorism in all its forms must be denounced. However, New Delhi has demanded access to humanitarian aid, the safety of civilians, and a resumption of talks for a peaceful outcome. When it came to a resolution in the UN Human Rights Council urging nations to implement an arms embargo and a resolution in the UN General Assembly calling for a humanitarian pause in the conflict, India abstained from voting in October 2024. Afterwards, it has supported resolutions for a humanitarian ceasefire but has avoided using the word directly in official declarations.India, however, hailed the UN Security Council's adoption of a resolution in March that demanded a "immediate ceasefire" as a "positive development."

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