The Congress party has officially announced Varun Choudhary, the sitting MLA from the Mullana Assembly constituency, as its candidate for the Ambala Lok Sabha constituency. Although the party had formally declared his name on Thursday, Choudhary's candidature was finalised a few days earlier, and he had already begun visiting all nine Assembly constituencies under the Ambala Lok Sabha segment.
Choudhary, the son of four-time MLA and former state president Phool Chand Mullana, will be contesting against BJP candidate Banto Kataria and INLD candidate Gurpreet Singh, both of whom are making their electoral debut.
Expressing his gratitude to the party high command for the opportunity, Chaudhry said, "I have been visiting various areas and receiving tremendous support from the people of the Ambala constituency. The party is well prepared, and regular meetings are being held with party workers regarding the elections. The workers are excited, and we are all working in sync as a team."
He added, "The workers and leaders will intensify the campaigning. We will fight the elections together, win the Ambala constituency seat, and raise long-pending issues in the Lok Sabha. The INDIA bloc candidates will win all 10 Lok Sabha seats in the state." Meanwhile, Congress workers in Ambala City, Ambala Cantonment, and Mullana held celebrations in support of Chaudhry's candidature.
Congress leader Chitra Sarwara expressed confidence in the party's chances, stating, "The party has fielded a strong candidate from Ambala, and we are confident that the Congress will win the elections. The party workers are very excited. People are extending their support to the party. During the 'Ghar Ghar Congress, Har Ghar Congress' campaign, the people of Ambala have shown how disappointed they are with the wrong policies made by the BJP government. They are ready to teach the BJP a lesson in the upcoming elections."
The Congress party appears to be determined and optimistic about its prospects in the Ambala Lok Sabha constituency, with party workers rallying behind their candidate and intensifying their campaigning efforts.