In a heartbreaking incident, Amit Saini, a renowned Haryanvi singer, lost his 9-year-old son, Mannat, in a road accident in Rohtak. The child was riding pillion with his uncle when their scooter collided with a pickup truck on Jind Road.
Sahil, a resident of Ashok Vihar in Rohtak, filed a complaint stating that his brother Amit Saini has two children, Mannat and Yamuna. Mannat, who was in the second grade, had gone for tuition on the evening of March 16. After the tuition, his uncle was bringing him home on a scooter from Sukhpura Chowk when the tragic accident occurred.
Around 7 PM, as they reached Jind Road, a pickup truck was speeding ahead of them. Despite applying brakes, the driver abruptly swerved towards them, causing the collision.
Both the child and his uncle fell to the ground, sustaining injuries. While the uncle suffered minor injuries, Mannat sustained a severe head injury, resulting in profuse bleeding. Onlookers rushed to the scene, but the pickup truck driver fled immediately after the accident.
Mannat was rushed to Rohtak PGIMS for treatment, where doctors pronounced him dead upon arrival. His body was taken into police custody for further investigation.
Prior to the tragic incident, Amit Saini had shared a new song on social media, celebrating Nayab Singh Saini's appointment as Haryana's new Chief Minister. However, the mood turned sombre as news of his son's demise spread, with condolences pouring in from fans and well-wishers.
Police are currently investigating the matter, with efforts underway to apprehend the driver of the pickup truck, identified as a resident of Rohtak. The authorities are ensuring a thorough investigation to bring justice to the bereaved family.