The BJP held a significant program in Rohtak, Haryana, with State President Nayab Singh Saini as the chief guest. During the event, he criticised the Hooda-led government, accusing it of being the epicentre of corruption in Rohtak. Saini claimed that corruption flowed like the Ganges in the Hooda government, where job opportunities were often linked to corrupt practices.
The program, organised by coordinator Rakesh Verma, was held at the former ITI ground in Rohtak to express gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The event includes an acknowledgment of the consecration of Lord Ram in Ayodhya, followed by a gathering of party workers. In response to Nitish Kumar joining the NDA in Bihar, Saini downplayed the matter, stating he wouldn't say much. He lauded Kumar's record of becoming the longest-serving Chief Minister but attributed the politics around the Ram Temple to the Congress, not the BJP.
The event was attended by former minister Manish Grover, Deputy Mayor Manmohan Goel, BJP National Secretary Om Prakash Dhankar, Dr. Sudha Yadav from the National Election Committee, Minister Rao Indrajit, MP Dr. Arvind Sharma, Rajya Sabha member Ramchandra Jangra, former ministers Captain Abhimanyu and Rao Narveer, and Kosi MLA Laxman Yadav.
With the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, BJP seems focused on strengthening its position in Rohtak, which was a stronghold of former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda. Despite losing all four seats in the previous assembly elections, BJP aims to improve its standing in Rohtak, considering it a crucial constituency. The rally's political significance is heightened as it emphasised the BJP's determined efforts to consolidate its position in Rohtak.