Union Minister Manohar Lal has lambasted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's recent remarks on Hindutva, expressing disbelief and shock at the statement. "I am astonished that such words could come from Rahul Gandhi's mouth," Manohar Lal said, adding that Gandhi's comments were "shameful" and "hurtful" to the Hindu community.
Manohar Lal also welcomed BJP President Amit Shah's decision to declare Nayeem Saini as the party's face for the upcoming Haryana assembly polls. "I welcome Amit Shah's decision," he said, adding that the party was gearing up for the elections.
The Union Minister also addressed the issue of rising crime in Haryana, saying that the government was taking all necessary steps to curb it. "Whenever a crime occurs, our agencies swing into action," he said, adding that the government was working to prevent crimes and had also achieved success in this regard.
Manohar Lal also dismissed allegations that the BJP was behind the recent telecom rate hike, saying that the decision was taken by the companies themselves and the government had no role in it.