Haryana Approves Massive Spending on Rural Development and Education

Haryana Approves Massive Spending on Rural Development and Education

Chief Minister Nayab Singh leads High Power Purchase Committee meeting, greenlights projects worth 1500 crore rupees for water supply, science labs, and village gyms

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Haryana's High Power Purchase Committee (HPPC) meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Nayab Singh, has approved several major projects aimed at improving rural infrastructure and education in the state. The committee gave the go-ahead for purchases and contracts totaling about 1500 crore rupees, with a focus on enhancing water supply in rural areas and boosting science education in schools. 

Boosting Rural Water Supply 

One of the biggest approvals was for the purchase of pipes worth nearly 1000 crore rupees. This investment is intended to strengthen drinking water supply, especially in rural areas of Haryana. The move shows the government's commitment to addressing basic infrastructure needs in villages and ensuring better access to clean water for rural residents.

Upgrading Science Education 

The committee approved around 30 crore rupees for new equipment in biology and chemistry labs for 729 cluster schools with science streams. Additionally, about 10 crore rupees were allocated for general science lab equipment. This investment aims to promote science education and provide students with better facilities for practical learning. 

For higher education, the committee approved the purchase of 3,836 computers for colleges, costing about 24 crore rupees. Chief Minister Nayab Singh emphasized the government's dedication to providing quality education, with a special focus on science and mathematics subjects. 

Bringing Fitness to Villages 

An interesting initiative approved in the meeting was the establishment of 468 indoor gyms in village panchayats. The committee sanctioned over 50 crore rupees for purchasing gym equipment. Each indoor gym will be equipped with 25 different types of exercise machines, bringing modern fitness facilities to rural areas.

Other Approvals and Savings 

The meeting covered a total of 31 agenda items from various departments including Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Food Supply, Electricity Distribution, Public Health Engineering, Education, and Transport. Out of these, 27 items received approval. Notably, the committee managed to save about 72 crore rupees through negotiations with various bidders, demonstrating efforts to ensure cost-effectiveness in government spending. The meeting was attended by several cabinet ministers and state ministers, highlighting the importance of these decisions for the state government.

This comprehensive spending plan reflects the Haryana government's focus on improving rural infrastructure, enhancing educational facilities, and promoting health and fitness across the state. By investing in water supply, science education, and rural fitness centers, the government aims to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas and improve the overall quality of life for Haryana's residents. 

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