PM Modi's Vision: Transforming PMO into 'People's PMO'

PM Modi's Vision: Transforming PMO into 'People's PMO'

Prime Minister's Pledge to Put Nation First, Catalyze Development, and Empower the Citizenry.

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Rejecting the 'Power Centre' Notion 

In his first address to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) officials after assuming office for the third term, PM Narendra Modi categorically rejected the notion of the PMO being a 'power centre'. He stated, "10 years ago, the PMO was perceived as a significant power centre, but I was not born for power, nor do I desire it. It is neither my wish nor my path for the PMO to become a power centre."

Envisioning the PMO as a Catalyst for People's Welfare

PM Modi expressed his vision of transforming the PMO into a catalytic agent working for the welfare of the people. He emphasised, "Since 2014, we have taken steps to develop the PMO as a catalytic agent. The PMO should be the people's PMO, not Modi's PMO." 

Unified Goals: Nation First and a Developed India by 2047

The Prime Minister reminded his team that they have a singular goal – "Nation First" – and a unified intention of achieving a "Viksit Bharat" (Developed India) by 2047. He said, "Together, we have just one goal – Nation First; just one intention – 2047 Viksit Bharat. I have publicly stated, 'Mera Pal Pal Desh Ke Naam Hai' (Every moment of mine is for the nation), and I have promised the country – 24/7 for 2047." 

Transcending Time and Effort Constraints 

PM Modi emphasised that his team should not be bound by time constraints or limit their efforts. He stated, "We are not those people for whom office starts at this time and ends at this time. We are not bound by time; we have no limits to our thinking, and we have no criteria for our efforts. Those who are beyond this are my team, and the country trusts that team." 

Striving for Global Benchmarks

The Prime Minister expressed his determination to set global benchmarks and take India to unprecedented heights. He said, "What has to be done now is to be done towards the direction of crossing the global benchmark. If the world is at a stage beyond which there is nothing else, we have to be there. We have to take our country where nobody else has reached." 

In his address, PM Modi again highlighted his commitment to serving the nation and its people, emphasising the importance of clarity of thought, faith in conviction, and character to act. He acknowledged the efforts of every government employee during his previous tenure and vowed to continue working with renewed energy and courage for the country's progress.

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