Congress Party's Internal Fighting Exposed at Sachin Pilot's Rally

Congress Party's Internal Fighting Exposed at Sachin Pilot's Rally

Pilot Makes Supporter of Other Group Leave the Stage, Shows Open Divisions

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The Congress party's problems with different groups fighting each other were clearly seen during a rally addressed by senior leader Sachin Pilot in Panipat, Haryana. This incident has highlighted the divisions within the party ahead of the important national elections. 

Rally Shows Congress Party's Problems

At the rally, a former member of the Haryana state assembly, Prahlad Singh Gillakhera, who supports former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda's group, was present on the stage. When Gillakhera went close to Pilot, another Congress leader Vineet Pooniya pushed him back. After that, Pilot himself scolded Gillakhera and made him move away from the stage. 

Reports of Fighting Can Impact Party's Prospects

This event will likely increase the fighting between the different groups within the Congress party in Haryana. The party is divided between Hooda's supporters and those backing Kiran Chaudhary and Randeep Surjewala. Such open displays of division in front of an important leader could hurt the party's chances. The Congress is already struggling with infighting, and this could further damage its prospects in the upcoming national elections. 

Pilot Criticizes BJP Government

At the rally, Pilot also criticized the BJP government. He accused it of making false promises to win elections but failing to deliver on any front. Pilot claimed the BJP wants to weaken the Constitution and hand over national assets to private companies. He appealed to people to give the Congress party a chance.

Two Main Groups in Haryana Congress

Like many political parties, the Haryana Congress has two main groups - one supporting former chief minister Hooda and the other backing Chaudhary and Surjewala. This infighting is a major challenge for the party's unity and performance in the national elections.

Divisions Exposed at Pilot's Rally

The video from Pilot's rally has further fueled this controversy. It clearly shows Gillakhera being pushed back by Pooniya and then scolded and moved away by Pilot himself. This whole episode has increased the infighting within the Congress party. It will be a big test for the party on how it controls this fighting before the elections. Such group politics can prove disastrous for any party.

Only Unity Can Help Congress Fight Elections

Looking ahead to the national elections, the Congress needs to strengthen its position in important states like Haryana. But if this infighting continues, it could negatively impact the party's performance in the state. Therefore, the party must quickly resolve this issue and contest the elections in a united manner.

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