Samyukt Kisan Morcha Calls for Peaceful Opposition to BJP-JJP in Lok Sabha Elections

Samyukt Kisan Morcha Calls for Peaceful Opposition to BJP-JJP in Lok Sabha Elections

Haryana Farmers' Coalition Urges Workers to Engage Civically and Oppose Government Policies

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In a bid to challenge the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its ally, the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP), the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) has called upon its activists to engage in civil opposition during the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. At a meeting held in Jind, Haryana, SKM leaders emphasised the importance of peaceful protest and civic engagement while opposing BJP-JJP candidates.

The SKM reiterated its commitment to holding the BJP accountable for what it perceives as betrayal towards farmers, citing the government's failure to fulfill promises made during the suspension of agrarian reforms protests in December 2021. Leaders of the coalition urged activists to connect with people from all walks of life and work towards removing the BJP from power to safeguard the interests of farmers, uphold the Constitution, and protect the nation. 

During the convention held at the Jat Dharamshala in Jind, representatives from various constituent organisations of the SKM rallied workers to unite against the BJP-JJP alliance. They highlighted the need to address historical injustices faced by farmers and emphasised the importance of electoral accountability in seeking justice for past grievances.

The convention also saw discussions on the divisive tactics employed by the BJP, particularly in stoking communal and caste-based tensions for political gain. SKM leaders condemned such tactics and called for unity among all sections of society to counter divisive narratives propagated by the ruling party.

Addressing the gathering, leaders of the SKM outlined strategies for grassroots mobilisation, emphasising the importance of reaching out to voters at the district, tehsil, block, and village levels. They called upon workers to engage in constructive dialogue with members of other social organisations to build a broad-based opposition against BJP and JJP candidates. 

Furthermore, the SKM expressed its opposition to the Haryana government's proposal to reintroduce interest on cooperative loans, vowing to mobilise resistance against the decision at all levels. The coalition also demanded the immediate release of arrested farmer leaders and called for swift action to address pending issues related to crop procurement and fair compensation for farmers. 

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