Strict Social Media Watch for Fair Polls in Haryana

Strict Social Media Watch for Fair Polls in Haryana

Election Officer Stresses Code of Conduct Compliance Online

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As Haryana gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, the state's Chief Electoral Officer, Anurag Aggarwal, has unveiled stringent plans to keep a close watch on social media platforms. The move aims to ensure that the polls are conducted in a fair and transparent manner by enforcing strict compliance with the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) on digital channels.

Aggarwal highlighted that dedicated teams, including the Cyber Cell, have been tasked with rigorously monitoring activities on popular social media sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp groups. Their primary objective is to identify and address any potential violations of the MCC, which prohibits candidates or parties from spreading misleading election-related content, either directly or indirectly. 

In a significant decision, the Chief Electoral Officer has mandated that the costs incurred for advertising on social media platforms will be meticulously accounted for and added to the respective candidate's or party's election expenditure. Aggarwal stressed that during the enforcement of the MCC, no individual or entity is permitted to breach the established norms. Stringent action will be taken against anyone found violating the rules, underscoring the administration's zero-tolerance approach towards violations.

Appropriate action will be taken against YouTube channel operators found in violation of the IT Act, further reinforcing the commitment to maintaining a fair and impartial electoral process. The Chief Electoral Officer emphasised that the MCC applies uniformly across all media platforms, including newspapers, television, radio, and social media. News disseminated through these channels must remain impartial, refraining from exhibiting bias towards any particular side, religion, caste, or community.

Aggarwal acknowledged the media's crucial role as the fourth pillar of democracy and urged all individuals associated with newspapers, news channels, and social media platforms to refrain from publishing any misleading promotional material that may contravene the MCC. Furthermore, he emphasized the necessity of obtaining administrative permission before publishing any advertisement. 

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