Haryana's Solar Revolution: Illuminating 5 Lakh Homes by 2030

Haryana's Solar Revolution: Illuminating 5 Lakh Homes by 2030

State's Ambitious Solar Rooftop Plan and Upcoming Solar Policy Set to Transform Energy Landscape, Boost Green Power, and Empower Farmers

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The state of Haryana in India is making big moves in solar energy. By 2030, the government plans to put solar panels on the roofs of 5 lakh (500,000) homes. This news was shared by A.K. Singh, who is a top officer in Haryana's Energy Department. 

Singh spoke at a meeting in Chandigarh about making solar power more popular in Haryana. He said that already, 3.5 lakh homes in Haryana have signed up for the Prime Minister's Suryaghar Yojana (Sun Home Scheme). This shows that many people are interested in using solar power. 

The Indian government wants the country to make 500 gigawatts of solar energy by 2030. Haryana's plan will help reach this big goal. The state is working hard to use more clean energy and fight climate change.

S. Narayanan, another important official, talked about Haryana's new solar policy. He said the policy is almost ready and will be announced soon. This policy will give a big boost to the solar industry in Haryana. It will make it easier for more people and businesses to use solar power. Haryana is also helping farmers use solar energy. The state gives farmers up to 75% off on solar water pumps. Because of this, Haryana is now number one in India for using these pumps. This helps farmers save money and use clean energy for farming. 

At the meeting, people from the solar industry talked about some problems they face. They asked for help with things like net metering (which lets people sell extra solar power) and getting money back for putting solar panels on roofs. The government listened to these concerns and promised to work on solving them. This shows that Haryana wants to work closely with businesses to make its solar plans successful. 

By putting solar panels on so many homes, Haryana will save a lot of electricity. This means the state will need to burn less coal and other fuels that harm the environment. It will also help people save money on their electricity bills. 

Haryana's solar plan is part of a bigger change happening in India. The country is trying to use more renewable energy like solar and wind power. This is important to fight pollution and global warming. As Haryana moves forward with its solar plans, it sets an example for other states in India. If successful, this project could inspire similar efforts across the country, bringing India closer to its clean energy goals and a brighter, greener future.

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