BJP Accuses Haryana Congress Leader of Sexist Remarks Against Hema Malini

BJP Accuses Haryana Congress Leader of Sexist Remarks Against Hema Malini

Surjewala Clarifies Amidst Controversy Over Edited Video Shared by BJP

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The BJP has accused Haryana Congress leader Randeep Surjewala of making "sexist" remarks against BJP MP Hema Malini. Surjewala clarifies his stance amidst allegations of an edited video shared by the BJP's IT department head Amit Malviya. 

In a recent controversy, the BJP criticised Surjewala for allegedly making derogatory remarks about Hema Malini, suggesting misogyny within the Congress party. Amit Malviya, head of the BJP's IT department, shared an undated video where Surjewala purportedly made offensive comments about the actor-politician. 

According to the shared video, Surjewala's remarks implied that women, including Hema Malini, are demeaned by Congress. This sparked outrage among BJP members, with Malviya condemning the comments as "vile" and "disgusting," alleging that they reflect Congress's misogynistic stance.

In response, Surjewala clarified his statement, asserting that his words were taken out of context. He explained that the video shared by the BJP was edited and distorted to divert attention from the Modi government's policies and failures. Surjewala emphasised that his intention was not to insult Hema Malini but to highlight the accountability of public figures in serving the people. Surjewala pointed out instances of alleged sexism within the BJP, questioning why the party remains silent on derogatory remarks made by its members. He accused the BJP of using an "anti-women lens" to interpret statements and spreading lies for  political gain.

The controversy underscores the ongoing political tensions between the BJP and Congress, with both parties trading accusations and counterclaims. While BJP leaders condemn Surjewala's remarks as reflective of Congress's attitude towards women, Surjewala defends himself, alleging that the BJP distorts facts to suit its agenda.

As elections get closer, these controversies give politicians more reasons to argue and attack each other, taking focus away from important national issues.The BJP's allegations against Surjewala and his subsequent clarification highlight the ongoing battle for narrative dominance in Indian politics.

Amidst the heated exchange of accusations, the true impact of such controversies on electoral outcomes remains to be seen. However, they underscore the need for responsible discourse and fact-checking in political debates. 

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