Government Hospital Staff Warned: Wear Uniform or Face Salary Cut

Government Hospital Staff Warned: Wear Uniform or Face Salary Cut

Chief Medical Officer's Strict Directive Creates Stir Among Medical Personnel

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In a bid to enforce discipline and professionalism, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. MK Bhadu has issued a stern warning to medical staff across government hospitals in Haryana. They are instructed to wear their designated uniforms without fail, with non-compliance resulting in salary deductions or marked absence for the day. 

The directive from the CMO specifically targets doctors, nursing officers, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other medical employees. Dr. Bhadu conveyed the orders to Principal Medical Officers (PMOs), Senior Medical Officers (SMOs), and Medical Officers (MOs) in government hospitals, emphasising the importance of adhering to the uniform policy. 

Employees failing to don their uniforms will face repercussions, as stated by Dr. Bhadu. They will either be marked absent for the day or experience a deduction in their uniform allowance. The CMO's uncompromising stance on uniform compliance is now being felt within hospital premises. 

The enforcement of this dress code policy extends beyond mere verbal instructions. The Director of Health Services, Haryana, had previously issued mandates for all civil surgeons in the state to adhere to the uniform policy round the clock. However, instances of non-compliance were observed by the Health Department, prompting Dr. Bhadu to reinforce the directive with added rigour.

Dr. MK Bhadu, CMO of Sirsa, has made it clear that in-charges of government hospitals, Community Health Centers (CHCs), and Primary Health Centers (PHCs) must ensure strict compliance with the uniform policy. Any negligence in this regard will not be tolerated. Employees found violating the dress code will face immediate consequences, including marked absence for the day and uniform allowance deductions.

The CMO's directive aims to instill a sense of discipline and professionalism among medical personnel, underscoring the importance of maintaining a standardised appearance in healthcare settings. Uniformity in attire not only reflects organisational cohesion but also enhances the public's perception of the healthcare system's efficiency and reliability. 

As the implementation of the dress code policy gains momentum, medical staff are urged to prioritise compliance to avoid salary deductions and other disciplinary actions. With the CMO's unwavering commitment to enforcing uniform standards, government hospitals in Haryana are poised for a more disciplined and professional work environment.

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