Unveiling the Critique: Congress MP Deepender Singh Hooda Targets BJP-JJP Alliance in Haryana

Unveiling the Critique: Congress MP Deepender Singh Hooda Targets BJP-JJP Alliance in Haryana

Representative Picture- by Deepender Singh Hooda Fb

In a scathing attack on the ruling BJP-JJP alliance in Haryana, Congress Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Singh Hooda took to social media to express his disapproval. Hooda's comments highlight the growing dissatisfaction with the current state government, as he predicts the electorate will dismantle this alliance in the upcoming elections.

The Arrogance of Power:

Deepender Singh Hooda accused the BJP government of demeaning every section of society. He pointed out instances of alleged high-handedness, including lathi charges on farmers, athletes, employees, MGNREGA labourers, rural watchmen, and ASHA workers. According to Hooda, the people of Haryana will not tolerate the arrogance displayed by the BJP-JJP alliance.

A Unique Critique:

The Congress MP underscored that the current Haryana government, formed by the BJP and JJP, is unique in the state's history. He criticised the decision to close thousands of schools instead of opening new ones, particularly affecting the education of underprivileged children. Hooda promised that if the Congress comes to power in the state, these schools will be reopened with adequate facilities and teachers.

Education Reforms and Future Plans:

Highlighting the Congress's past achievements, Hooda pointed to the party's leadership in Haryana before 2014. He emphasised that the Congress-led government was renowned for its sports policy, supporting athletes in building careers and bringing medals for the country. He pledged that a Congress government would continue to encourage sports and uphold the dignity of athletes.

Youth Unemployment and BJP-JJP Accountability:

Expressing concern over the rising unemployment and disillusionment among Haryana's youth, Hooda attributed the surge in crime and substance abuse to the pervasive unemployment problem. He asserted that the youth would not forgive the BJP-JJP government for pushing them into the quagmire of despair.


Deepender Singh Hooda's critical stance against the BJP-JJP alliance sheds light on the challenges faced by the current government in Haryana. As the political landscape evolves, his remarks reflect the growing discontent among the electorate, especially concerning issues like education, unemployment, and governance. Whether this discontent will translate into electoral repercussions remains to be seen, but Hooda's words underscore the urgency for the ruling alliance to address these concerns to retain public trust.



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