In a major development from Haryana, Development and Panchayat Minister Krishan Lal Panwar has taken a strong stance regarding the tragic suicide of a Dalit student at Sharda College in Loharu, Bhiwani. Speaking to journalists in Rohtak, the minister assured that the government would ensure complete justice for the victim's family and emphasized that no one, regardless of their position, would be spared from punishment.
The Tragic Incident
On December 24, Diksha, a third-year BA student and daughter of Jagdish, took her own life after being unable to pay her college fees. The college, run by MLA Rajbir Fartia's relatives Hanuman Singh and Rahul, allegedly pressured the student inappropriately when she requested a fee waiver to appear for her examinations. The principal was also implicated in exerting undue pressure on the student.
Political Promises and Reality
Minister Panwar highlighted that MLA Fartia had promised free education and bus services for female students during his election campaign, which influenced voters' decisions. The victim's father had personally reached out to the MLA requesting fee exemption. The minister criticized the Congress party's allegations of the state government being anti-Dalit, terming them baseless.
Government's Educational Initiatives
Defending the BJP government's commitment to education, Panwar detailed several student-friendly policies:
- Free bus passes for female students traveling up to 150 kilometers
- Free education for girls up to graduation
- Establishment of government and private colleges within 20-kilometer radius
- Special transportation facilities ensuring safe travel for female students
The minister emphasized that these initiatives were implemented after understanding the challenges faced by underprivileged students, citing a specific case where a Dalit student's letter prompted the extension of the bus pass limit from 60 to 150 kilometers.