Security Alert: Attempted Infiltration at Haryana Assembly by Female Coach Alleging Ministerial Molestation

Security Alert: Attempted Infiltration at Haryana Assembly by Female Coach Alleging Ministerial Molestation

Female Coach outside Haryana Assembly

After the incident at Lok Sabha, an attempt to infiltrate the Haryana Assembly was attempted on Tuesday when a junior female coach, who had previously accused Minister Sandeep Singh of molestation, tried to gain entry with a pass obtained from the Secretariat. The security personnel apprehended her, and she was subsequently taken into police custody. The coach, armed with a Secretariat pass, entered the Assembly premises through the first gate near the High Court, where vehicle and Secretariat passes are verified. Upon reaching the Assembly-Secretariat gates, she attempted to proceed further without the required assembly pass. When questioned by the police, she forcefully tried to enter, displaying the Secretariat pass, leading to her apprehension.

If the coach had managed to bypass this gate, she would have needed an assembly pass and undergone scanning at the next gate for entry into the visitor gallery. The coach claimed that she sought justice and intended to question Home Minister Anil Vij and Chief Minister Manohar Lal about her unresolved case during the Assembly session. She expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of support and claimed to be facing threats. The incident unfolded after the Congress raised the case of Minister Sandeep Singh's alleged sexual harassment of the junior female coach during the session on Friday. Home Minister Anil Vij stated that the matter was subjudice, precluding further debate.

The junior women coach had filed a complaint with the Chandigarh Police on December 26, 2022, accusing Haryana Minister Sandeep Singh of sexual harassment. Subsequently, a case was registered against Singh under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. After a comprehensive investigation by a Special Investigation Team, additional charges were added. Chief Minister Manohar Lal retained control of the sports department amid the allegations, and the minister was reassigned to the Printing and Stationery portfolio.

The sports department suspended the junior women's coach and imposed a ban preventing women coaches from entering the stadium, hindering her ability to practise. A charge sheet was presented in the District Court by Chandigarh Police eight months after the incident, charging the minister with molestation. Notably, the charge sheet did not include the more severe charge of attempted rape under Section 376. The forensic report on the torn T-shirt worn by the coach was included, revealing damage around the neck without conclusive evidence of force.


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