Patwari Protest in Haryana Demanding Fair Wages and Reforms

Patwari Protest in Haryana Demanding Fair Wages and Reforms

Patwari Protest

Patwaris in Haryana Announce Symbolic Strike

Patwaris in Haryana have declared a symbolic strike from January 3 to 5, expressing dissatisfaction over the government's delay in issuing notifications for the recently increased salary. The Patwari and Kanungo Association has called for a symbolic protest, warning of an indefinite strike if their demands are not addressed.

Background: Grievances Regarding Salary Hike Notification

The Patwaris claim that the government has not yet released the notification for the enhanced salary, leading to frustration among their ranks. Responding to the call from the Patwari and Kanungo Association, Patwaris plan to stage a symbolic protest to draw attention to their demands.

Response from Association: Warning of Extended Strike

Jasbir Singh Chehal, the state president of the Patwari and Kanungo Association, stated during a discussion with reporters on Monday that they have met with the Deputy Chief Minister and Revenue Minister multiple times. However, there has been no response to their emails, and if the government continues to ignore their demands, the symbolic protest might escalate into an indefinite strike.

Demands: Timely Conduct of Departmental Exams and Computer Training

One of the primary demands is the timely conduct of departmental exams for the post of Naib Tehsildar, which, according to the association, has not taken place for three years. This delay has led to employees retiring without promotions. They also advocate for the inclusion of training periods in the service tenure, as the training period is currently not counted.

Computer Training and Equipment: Empowering Patwaris

The association proposes providing computer departmental training to Patwaris to empower them to perform their duties independently, reducing dependence on operators. Additionally, they suggest providing laptops to Patwaris to enhance efficiency. Currently, the number of Patwaris working in the state has reduced to approximately 1400, a significant decline from the expected 2000, increasing the workload on existing staff.

Call for Recruitment: Easing the Burden on Existing Staff

To address the burden on existing Patwaris, the association urges the government to conduct regular recruitment drives to fill vacancies promptly. They highlight the delay in disbursing the salary of computer assistants since 2019, causing financial strain on employees. The Patwaris stress that all batches since 2016 have received the same salary, resulting in minimal financial benefit for those who joined before that year.

Seeking Solutions for a Strained Workforce

As Patwaris in Haryana symbolically protest for their rights, the issues raised, including timely departmental exams, computer training, and fair salary distribution, reflect the challenges faced by this crucial administrative group. It remains to be seen how the government responds to these demands and whether a resolution can be reached to improve working conditions for Patwaris in Haryana.


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