In a surprising and disappointing turn of events, Indian wrestler Antim Panghal and her support staff were deported from the Paris Olympics on Wednesday. The 19-year-old, who was the youngest member of the Indian wrestling contingent, was accused of a disciplinary breach after she allegedly gave her Olympic Village accreditation to her sister.
According to sources, Panghal had lost her women's 53 kg freestyle round of 16 bout to Zeynep Yetgil of Turkey earlier in the day. After the loss, she went to the hotel where her coach was staying, instead of heading to the Games Village. She then asked her sister to go to the Games Village and collect her belongings, using Panghal's accreditation.
However, the sister was caught for impersonation and taken to a police station to record her statement. The French authorities then complained to the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), leading to Panghal and her support staff being sent back to India.
The IOA confirmed the decision, stating that Panghal had breached disciplinary rules by giving her accreditation to her sister. This incident has come as a shock to the Indian wrestling community, especially after Vinesh Phogat's disqualification earlier in the day. Panghal, a resident of Bhagana in Haryana, was appearing in her first Olympics at Paris 2024. Her deportation is a disappointing end to her Olympic journey.