Haryana Sarpanches Empowered to Approve Works Up to 21 Lakh Without E-tendering

Haryana Sarpanches Empowered to Approve Works Up to 21 Lakh Without E-tendering

Chief Minister Nayab Saini overturns predecessor's policy, granting village leaders increased financial autonomy while also enhancing their status and improving compensation for rural sanitation workers.

In a significant policy shift, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini has announced a series of reforms aimed at empowering village leaders and boosting rural development in the state. The centerpiece of these changes is the decision to allow sarpanches (village heads) to approve works up to 21 lakh rupees without going through the e-tendering process, a substantial increase from the previous limit of 5 lakh rupees. 

Increased Financial Powers for Sarpanches 

The most impactful change is the dramatic increase in the financial powers granted to sarpanches. This move is expected to streamline the implementation of small to medium-sized development projects in villages across Haryana. 

"By raising the limit from 5 lakh to 21 lakh rupees, we're cutting red tape and enabling our sarpanches to respond more quickly to their villages' needs," CM Saini explained. "This will accelerate rural development and improve the quality of life for our rural citizens."

This decision effectively reverses a policy implemented by the previous Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, and represents a vote of confidence in the ability of village leaders to manage larger budgets responsibly. 

Elevated Status for Village Leaders

In addition to increased financial powers, the reforms also address the social status of sarpanches. At state-level functions held in villages, sarpanches will now be seated on par with the District Commissioner (DC) and Superintendent of Police (SP), a clear signal of the government's respect for these grass-roots leaders.

The government has also improved the financial support for sarpanches attending to official duties. Travel allowances have been increased to 16 rupees per kilometer for taxi expenses, and court fees for panchayats involved in legal cases have been significantly raised. 

Modernization of Panchayats 

Recognizing the need to bring rural administration into the digital age, CM Saini announced a major computerization initiative for panchayats. The government plans to hire 3,000 computer operators to facilitate this transition, which is expected to improve efficiency, transparency, and record-keeping in rural governance. "This digital transformation will help our panchayats work more effectively and serve their communities better," said CM Saini.

Better Compensation for Sanitation Workers

The reforms also extend to sanitation workers in both urban and rural areas. Urban sanitation workers will see their monthly honorarium increase by 1,000 rupees, bringing their total monthly salary to 17,000 rupees. For rural sanitation workers, the increase is 2,000 rupees, raising their monthly earnings from 14,000 to 16,000 rupees. These pay increases are expected to improve the living standards of sanitation workers and boost morale in this essential workforce. 

The package of reforms announced by CM Saini represents a significant shift in Haryana's approach to rural governance and development. By empowering sarpanches with greater financial autonomy, elevating their status, modernizing panchayats, and improving working conditions for sanitation workers, the state government aims to accelerate rural development and improve the quality of life in Haryana's villages.

However, the success of these reforms will depend on their effective implementation and the responsible use of the increased powers by sarpanches. The government will need to ensure proper oversight mechanisms are in place to prevent misuse of funds while still allowing for the increased flexibility and speed in project implementation that these reforms aim to achieve. 

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