Haryana Government Fights for Extra Marks in Job Exams And Allots Housing Plots for Thousands

Haryana Government Fights for Extra Marks in Job Exams And Allots Housing Plots for Thousands

Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini promises new law to help poor candidates if court appeal fails; thousands receive housing plot letters.

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Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has announced that the state government will make a new law to give extra marks to poor candidates in job exams if their court appeal doesn't work. This comes after the Supreme Court ruled against their policy of giving five extra marks to candidates from poor backgrounds. 

The government is planning to file a review petition in the Supreme Court. If that doesn't succeed, they will create a law to ensure that poor candidates still get these extra marks in government job exams. 

Chief Minister Defends Policy Against Opposition Criticism 

Saini criticized the opposition Congress party, calling them a "Bharti roko gang" (recruitment-stopping gang). He said they went to the high court to stop the extra marks policy. Saini insisted that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supports poor and disadvantaged people, which is why they created this policy.

The Chief Minister also accused the previous Congress government of giving jobs based on bribes and connections. He claimed that the BJP has ended this practice and now ensures jobs are given based on merit. 

Thousands Receive Housing Plot Letters 

At the same event, Saini handed out plot allotment letters to people who qualified for the Mukhyamantri Shehri Awas Yojana (Chief Minister's Urban Housing Scheme). This happened at Maharshi Dayanand University and in four other districts. In total, 15,250 people received these letters. 

Saini said this housing scheme wasn't just a government program, but a praiseworthy effort by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and their "double-engine government" to make poor people happy and help them achieve their dreams. 

New Housing Scheme Details

Urban Local Bodies Minister Subhash Sudha explained that families earning less than 1.80 lakh rupees per year can get plots under this housing scheme. Saini added that unlike the previous government, which only made promises, his government is actually giving poor people plots and official papers for them. 

The Chief Minister mentioned that they recently organized a program in Sonepat where poor families received ownership certificates for 100-square-yard plots. 

This new housing scheme and the fight for extra marks in job exams show the Haryana government's efforts to support poor and disadvantaged citizens. However, the opposition continues to criticize these policies, leading to ongoing political debates and legal challenges.

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