In a shocking turn of events, Rakesh Daulatabad, the Independent Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Badshahpur constituency in Haryana, passed away on Saturday at the age of 45 due to a heart attack. The sudden demise of the young and energetic legislator has left the state's political landscape in mourning.
According to police officials, Daulatabad suffered a heart attack early on Saturday morning. He was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Palam Vihar, Gurugram, where he tragically succumbed during treatment. The news of his untimely death has sent shockwaves across the state, with leaders from various political parties expressing their condolences and paying tribute to the departed MLA.
Daulatabad's triumph in the 2019 Haryana Assembly elections as an Independent candidate was a remarkable feat. After his victory, he extended his support to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, further solidifying his position in the state's political arena.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to social media to express his grief over Daulatabad's passing, stating that his demise has created a void in Haryana's politics. The Prime Minister acknowledged the late MLA's contributions and emphasized the loss the state has suffered.
हरियाणा के विधायक राकेश दौलताबाद जी के आकस्मिक निधन से अत्यंत दुख हुआ है। अपनी मेहनत और लगन से उन्होंने बहुत ही कम उम्र में लोगों के बीच एक अलग पहचान बनाई थी। उनका जाना प्रदेश की राजनीति के लिए एक बड़ा नुकसान है। ईश्वर शोक की इस घड़ी में उनके परिजनों और समर्थकों को संबल प्रदान…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 25, 2024
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini and his predecessor, Manohar Lal Khattar, also mourned Daulatabad's untimely death. Saini expressed his sadness and shock, highlighting the void left by the young legislator's sudden demise. Khattar echoed similar sentiments, stating that the Haryana Assembly has lost a young and energetic member, and Daulatabad's absence will be deeply felt in the state's political landscape.
The Leader of Opposition in the Haryana Assembly, Bhupinder Hooda of the Congress party, also took to social media to express his condolences and grief over the loss of the Independent MLA. Daulatabad's family members were not immediately available for comment, as they grappled with the devastating news of his sudden passing.
The outpouring of tributes and condolences from across the political spectrum underscores the respect and admiration Daulatabad had garnered during his tenure as an MLA. His untimely demise at such a young age has left a void in Haryana's political landscape, and his contributions will be remembered and cherished by the people he served.
As the state comes to terms with this loss, the focus now shifts to honoring Daulatabad's legacy and ensuring that his vision for his constituency and the state continues to guide future endeavors. The void left by his absence will undoubtedly be felt, but his impact on Haryana's politics will endure.