Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has taken a proactive step in addressing unemployment concerns by dispatching job offer letters to over 7,000 candidates today. The initiative, undertaken through the Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam (HKRN), aims to provide employment opportunities to youth on a contractual basis.
Expressing his commitment to transparency and efficiency, CM Nayab Singh Saini highlighted the rigorous yet transparent process through which candidates were shortlisted for various posts. These positions, spanning from Levels 1 to 3, encompass a diverse range of roles including teachers, peons, safai karamcharis, watchmen, patwaris, drivers, shift attendants, staff nurses, legal assistants, and assistant linemen.
Amit Khatri, the Chief Executive Officer of HKRN, emphasized the significance of the outsourcing policy implemented by the CM. This policy consolidates employment opportunities across different departments under one umbrella, thus ensuring the protection of contractual employees from exploitation.
The swift issuance of job offer letters reflects the government's commitment to addressing unemployment and fostering economic empowerment in the state. Through initiatives like the HKRN, Haryana aims to create a conducive environment for skill development and employment generation, thereby contributing to overall socio-economic growth.