Haryana Government Introduces Stringent Laws to Curb Illegal Activities

Haryana Government Introduces Stringent Laws to Curb Illegal Activities

Crackdown on Body Display Protests and Fraudulent Travel Agents


In a bid to tackle unlawful activities, the Haryana government has passed two significant bills during the budget session of the state assembly. These bills aim to address the issues related to public display of bodies and fraudulent practices by travel agents.

Body Display Protests Banned:

The Haryana Shav Sammanjanak Nipatan Vidheyak, 2024, prohibits public demonstrations involving the display of bodies. This legislation safeguards fundamental human rights and ensures dignified last rites. Individuals or communities found displaying bodies in protest will face legal consequences, and the public authority will arrange for the proper disposal of such bodies to uphold the sanctity of final rites.

Crackdown on Fraudulent Travel Agents:

The Haryana Travel Agents Registration Regulation Act, introduced during the budget session, imposes stringent penalties on fraudulent travel agents. Under this act, unregistered travel agents will face severe consequences, including imprisonment of up to 10 years and confiscation of properties. Additionally, hefty fines of up to INR 5 lakhs will be levied on offenders.

Penalties for Pigeon Racing (Kabootarbazi):

The legislation regarding pigeon racing stipulates harsh penalties for offenders involved in this illegal activity. Those found guilty will face imprisonment ranging from 3 to 10 years and fines up to INR 5 lakhs. Furthermore, the properties of convicted individuals will be confiscated as per the provisions of the act. The enactment of this law aims to curb illegal practices related to pigeon racing in the state.

Government's Response to Unlawful Activities:

Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala proposed additional measures during the assembly session, suggesting freezing of financial transactions of travel agents by the government. These measures underscore the government's commitment to combating fraudulent activities effectively. 

Significance of the Legislation:

The legislative measures come in response to the escalating incidents of illegal activities in the state, particularly concerning fraudulent practices by travel agents and public display of bodies for protests. The government's proactive approach in introducing these bills reflects its determination to uphold law and order and protect citizens' rights.

With the passage of these bills, the Haryana government reinforces its stance against unlawful activities, signalling a significant step towards ensuring public welfare and safety. The stringent laws aim to deter potential offenders and maintain the rule of law in the state. 

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