Haryana government promotes 75% disabled person for the first time after court orders

Haryana government promotes 75% disabled person for the first time after court orders

75% disabled person promoted


In response to a High Court order, the Haryana government appointed a person with a 75% physical disability as Superintending Engineer (Civil) and designated him as the Nodal Officer for Scheduled Caste and Persons with Disabilities reservation cases on the CM Window Public Grievance Portal. This marked the first time such a position had been held. Kulbir Singh Jakhar was an executive engineer in the Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads), Haryana, and was 75% physically incapacitated as a result of heart disease.

The department had granted him an unusual leave of absence without pay since he was unable to perform the responsibilities of his position. Regarding pay and advancement to the position of Superintending Engineer, Jakhar filed a suit at the High Court. In ruling on the petition on February 16, 2021, the High Court mandated advancement and pay in addition to interest accruing at a yearly rate of six percent beginning in 2015. The Government of Haryana submitted an affidavit to the High Court stating that it was contemplating the creation of an additional Executive Engineer (Civil) position for the duration of the aforementioned lawsuit.

 Starting in October 2018, the petitioner will be accommodated by being appointed to the position of Superintending Engineer Civil. Nevertheless, the petitioner was forced to reapply to the High Court because the Haryana government broke its word. The government has now issued an order, dated January 24, 2024, in which the petitioner has been designated as the nodal officer of the CM Window Public Grievance Portal for Scheduled Caste reservation issues, the High Court was informed when it requested a reply in this regard. elevated to the position of Superintendent Engineer (Civil).

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