Toronto Diary- Stealing a Blanket

Toronto Diary- Stealing a Blanket

Musings of Academic-Author Dr. Satish Arya

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As indicated in the last episode of this diary page, I very foolishly allowed our carry- on bags to be sent along with the checked baggage, which in consequence, resulted in a severe bout of sneezing and shivering. My loving wife, though initially amused, soon realised that it was no longer a laughing matter. Wrinkles of worry appeared on her eye-brow and she now looked concerned. 

Suddenly, she rose from her seat and rushed to the section where crew members relaxed. Finding an air hostess sitting there , she narrated to her my tale of woe and requested her to spare a blanket for me . The kind hostess listened to her attentively but apologetically said that there was no spare blanket available. Then, looking at the disappointed look at my wife's face, she softened a little bit. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she told her that she would spare her own blanket for me. Saroj took the blanket with profuse thanks and was about to leave when the air hostess leaned forward and whispered in her ear," Wrap your husband carefully with this blanket. And when the journey ends at the Zurich airport, put it at the bottom of your handbag. Hide it. Take it along, because if your husband does not feel better, you may need it at the airport also."My wife protested meekly, but the large- hearted lady insisted that she must do as she has been advised. 

While all this was happening, an elderly gentleman had walked in. He overheard the conversation and understood my wife's predicament. Gently, he said, " Well, madam, I have some medicine for cough and cold. If you don't mind, I will give you the medicine; it will help your husband a lot." Seeing hesitation on her face, he insisted that the medicine would help me. 

My wife gratefully returned to our seat and wrapped me tightly with this additional blanket. In the meantime, the gentlemen returned with the medicine and asked me gulp half a tablet right then and another half after four hours. I profusely thanked him, took the medicine and now cozily wrapped in the additional blanket, went to sleep. The dose of kindness and of medicine brought to me the much required relief. 

The journey was nearing its end; the lights of Zurich city in Switzerland were in sight. I was much relieved now. Sneezing and shivering had ceased now. My wife put the small blanket at the bottom of her hand bag. I vehemently protested ,insisting that stealing was bad, immoral and illegal. It would be very embarrassing if we were detected. But all my protests fell on deaf ears. She merely said: अभी पिक्चर अधूरी है, श्रीमान! छींकों में थोड़ा सा ही रिलीफ़ है। इस कम्बल की आगे भी ज़रूरत पड़ेगी। इसलिए चुपचाप बैठे रहो! Poor me! What could I say? Otherwise too, a poor sick lamb has no courage to look into the eyes of the tigress! So I meekly surrendered. The blanket was, thus, stolen and smuggled out. 

P.S. The stolen blanket remained hidden at the bottom of Her Majesty's bag throughout the next lag of the journey. My sneezing and shivering vanished as soon as we de boarded the aircraft.

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