Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini visited Karnal on Saturday to assess the damage caused to crops by unexpected rainfall and hailstorms. He listened to the problems of affected farmers in the Indri area. CM Saini assured farmers of government support and promises special measures to address the situation.
Heavy rainfall and hail storms on Friday resulted in significant damage to wheat crops in Karnal, leaving farmers in distress. CM Saini, accompanied by local officials, visited the affected areas to evaluate the extent of the damage. During his interaction with farmers, he emphasised the government's commitment to stand by them during difficult times.
He assured farmers that special assistance would be provided to compensate for the losses due to crop damage. Furthermore, CM Saini highlighted various welfare schemes initiated by the government for the benefit of farmers, ensuring that they receive full benefits. He expressed satisfaction with the overall well-being of farmers in the state. The untimely rainfall and hail storms have wreaked havoc on crops across Haryana, causing widespread damage and disrupting the agricultural activities of farmers. In Karnal, particularly, the situation is alarming, with crops suffering extensive losses.
Local legislators, including Ram Kumar Kashyap, district officials, and agricultural experts, accompanied CM Saini during his visit to the affected areas. They discussed measures to provide immediate relief to farmers and restore normalcy in agricultural operations.
The adverse weather conditions have led to concerns about the availability of fresh produce in the market and its impact on farmers' livelihoods. The government has been urged to provide assistance and ensure proper arrangements are made to support farmers during this challenging period.
Efforts are underway to assess the full extent of the damage and devise strategies to minimise the impact on farmers' income. It is crucial for authorities to coordinate effectively and implement timely measures to address the concerns of farmers and safeguard their interests.