Om Prakash Chautala, the former Chief Minister of Haryana and INLD supremo, breathed his last at Medanta Hospital in Gurugram on Friday, December 20, 2024. The 89-year-old veteran politician suffered a heart arrest at his Gurugram residence and was rushed to the hospital around 11:30 AM, where he passed away at noon.
Chautala was born on January 1, 1935 as the eldest of five children to former Deputy Prime Minister Chaudhary Devi Lal. Chautala's political journey began in 1968. Despite losing his first election from Rori constituency, he showcased remarkable political presence by winning a by-election in 1970. That was the starting of his remarkable political career and he served as Haryana's Chief Minister five times.
Turbulent Terms as Chief Minister
Chautala's tenures as Chief Minister were full of both achievement and controversy. His first term in 1989 lasted only five and a half months, while his second term in 1990 was even shorter at just five days. His third term in 1991 lasted merely 15 days. However, he later served more stable terms, demonstrating his political potential and resilience.
Unique Educational Achievement
One of the most rememberable aspects of Chautala's life was his pursuit of education while serving time in Tihar Jail. At the age of 86, he completed both his 10th and 12th-grade examinations, setting an unusual example of lifelong learning. This achievement came during his imprisonment in connection with the teacher recruitment scam.
His mortal remains will be taken to his ancestral village Chautala in Sirsa for last rites, where supporters and family members will pay their final respects to the departed leader.